Strategy and Operations
Strategy & Operations
Concept Development
Ideas for improving a mission process or system are prevalent throughout organizations; but synthesizing those ideas and formulating them into a viable concept takes a mix of art and science.
At IOP, we specialize in formulating creative ideas and forging them into fully developed programs. In doing this, our teams work across the disciplines of business process, technology architecture, financials, and program planning to develop nascent ideas into cohesive, actionable initiatives. Our extensive experience in life cycle planning, ensures that decision points and investment gates are accepted throughout the process.
Strategy & Operations
Program Management and Integration
Federal IT programs are extremely complex, with multiple stakeholders bringing their own perspectives and often their own supporting processes. To effectively manage and integrate these disparate needs requires a partner that is fluent in navigating Federal IT and mission organizations to achieve program success.
At IOP, we’ve been planning, integrating, and managing enterprise-scale IT programs at Federal agencies for nearly two decades. Our program managers, process consultants, architects, and analysts bring expertise not only in efficient program management practices, but also in the processes around the management of investments, business processes, technology architecture, and life cycle Agile development. So, whether it’s a portfolio of IT systems or complex enterprise programs, IOP effectively integrates all activities seamlessly, while never losing sight of the true goal – added capability and mission achievement.
Processes & Practices
With almost two decades of experience under our belt, we have an intricate understanding of effective business and project practices. IOP helps our clients identify points of strengths and weakness and most importantly, provides guidance for how to optimize strengths and how to address weaknesses.

Strategy & Operations
Investment and Acquisition Management
Large IT programs and systems portfolios require a lifecycle of activities to ensure agency funds are being spent productively. Strong investment and acquisitions provide added levels of financial efficiency and the agility to adapt to new priorities quickly.
IOP’s services span the gamut of investment planning and acquisitions support. Our people are experts in developing and managing budgets, conducting market research, creating lifecycle cost estimates, managing spend plans, and performing resource allocation plans for out-year investments. We go beyond these functional activities to bring real-world experience, helping programs and organizations navigate the complex set of Federal investment management successfully.
Strategy & Operations
Process Management
Technology modernizations are rarely about technology. Instead, they are about leveraging modern technologies and approaches to a greater outcome: the ability to support new business processes, improve old ones, and introduce new capabilities – all in support of the mission.
IOP brings a strong track record of integrating process management and efficiency enhancements into technology modernizations. In a microservices world, this becomes even more important, as new processes can be supported more quickly, while the inter-dependencies across services increase. Our people blend Domain-driven design approaches with process management disciplines to ensure technology modernizations deliver mission capability and effectiveness, not just technology.
Strategy & Operations
Technology and Architecture
The substantial number of technology choices and the rapid rate of innovation continues to increase. This combination creates a challenge for IT organizations to bring a cohesive direction to their technology portfolios. Agencies need a partner who can synthesize leading technologies, legacy implementations, and mission needs.
Our architects bring insatiable curiosity, not only for new technologies but for mission needs. We blend current state analysis, technology roadmaps, transition plans, and design/development assurance activities to help agencies assess, plan, and transition to their desired future state.